The Scented Hound

Perfume blog with abbreviated perfume reviews & fragrance reviews.

Annivers-Obso-Bestof-Draw Mega Post!


2ndAnniversaryI am having a hard time believing that I have been blogging for two years now (actually, my anniversary date was January 4th).  But I have to admit that at present my muse is hiding in some closet somewhere and ever since coming back from a wonderful holiday vacation I have not been able to get back into the groove, thus my late anniversary post.  And since I failed to do a “best of” list at the end of the year, this post is going to be a combination of anniversary ramblings, observations, best ofs and of course a fabulous draw…thus the uber supercalifragilisticexpialidocious title of this post!  So here we go…

Anniversary Ramblings and Observations:

How lovely...the perfume urns at the Caron boutique!

How lovely…the perfume urns at the Caron boutique!

When I started this blog, I was new to the niche marketplace.  My first discoveries and loves were the amber fragrances, which included Ambre Sultan by Serge Lutens and Ambra Nera by Farmacia SS. Annunziata dal 1561. They are strong and powerful fragrances which drew me in with their boldness.  I don’t know if I am fickle, or I have learned that more subtle scents are now what I find I prefer, but I have moved into a stage where less is more and where traditionally feminine fragrances are now my siren songs.  At present, kicked off by my love for Nuit de Noel by Caron, I have now stepped into a “I need to learn more about Caron fragrances” phase and recently purchased French Cancan (it will probably be my next post) and am now itching to get to Lexington Avenue in NYC to visit their store so I can stock up on pretty little bottles of traditional feminine fragrances.  So I have the feeling that 2014 will be my “Year of the Woman” in terms of my favorite fragrances as it seems that 2013 ended up that way.  As I tell my friends, I’m butch enough to carry off such fragrances.  And when I declare that, they just look at me and reply “uh huh, whatever you say.” In any case, at my age, I’ll wear what I want, where I want and when I want!

Also, when I started blogging, there were a handful of wonderful established perfume bloggers out there, but in that two-year time span, there are so many new bloggers that it’s hard to keep up with all of them and they tend to come and go so quickly which just validates the fact that blogging isn’t all that easy.  Add that to the numerous Facebook groups and the video reviewers, the number of resources can be a bit overwhelming.  Since I don’t seem to have the time to write for myself, I have to be choosy about what I read and what sites I visit.  But I want to give some shout outs to some terrific new bloggers who have joined the scene this past year:  Epiphany, The Smelly Vagabond and Odiferess.  Please check out their sites!

One lesson that I learned these past couple of years is that I just can’t keep up with it all.  There are just too many releases and not enough time for discovery and review.  So instead of chasing every new launch, if something strikes my fancy I’ll search it out.  But to keep on top of all the newest is just impossible.  I have been sucked up in the past (it still happens, but not quite so often) with the latest that everyone seems to be raving about, only to find that the fragrance being touted isn’t all that special.  So I try to keep an open mind combined with some sense of control.  As you’ll see below, my “best of” list is “my” best of, meaning that the fragrances are not necessarily ones that were released in 2013, but ones that I discovered in 2013 and fell in love with.   So I guess this is probably a good segue into my…

best_of_2013_logo_sqBest Fragrances of 2013:

Remember, the fragrances aren’t necessarily released in 2013, but to me they were new:

Nuit de Noel Parfum Extrait by Caron:  My new Christmas tradition to be worn during the holidays.  I can’t speak for the EdT version, but the parfum extrait is classic and heavenly.  If you love chypres, you’ll love this.

Enslaved Parfum by Roja Parfums:  Roja perfumes are priced out of my league.  Every year my concept with what is reasonably price is obliterated by something that I want that is ridiculously priced.  I stayed away from samples because I knew if I like them, I’d have a hard time saying no.  However, I did have the chance to check out a few in the line by a generous gift of samples and then again at Sniffapalooza.  Enslaved was love at first sniff.  Big, bold, beautiful and over the top, this is a killer fragrance.  Thankfully, my wonderful husband bought me a bottle this past Christmas and even managed to get Roja Dove himself to sign the bottle for me.  Is it wrong to come home from work and put on sweatpants and then spritz yourself with your most expensive perfume?

fatewomanFate Woman by Amouage:  Finally, a real 2013 release.  I can’t believe I haven’t completed a review of this yet.  Forget Fate Man; Fate Woman is a femme fatale.  This beautifully constructed muted floral is just the opposite of the over the top Enslaved, but just as beautiful.

Onda EdP and Kiki Parfum Extrait Vero Profumo:  I was late to the Vero Profumo line of fragrances, but now I own four of Vero Kern’s lovely creations.  I like lavender, but Kiki’s caramel coated lavender is sweet without being sweet if that makes any sense.  I love to wear this out on special nights as I always get compliments.  Onda was the big surprise.  I wasn’t quite sure if I liked it upon my first application, but something happened that made me surrender to its charms.  Onda has changed my mind regarding my disinterest in vetiver.

Orangers en Fleurs by Houbigant:  Another 2013 release, but I believe Orange en Fleurs got lost in the fray.  Delicate and understated, this a true beauty.

Noontide Petals by Tauer Perfumes:  Tauer perfumes can be hit or miss for me.  This is a major hit that harkens to nostalgic femininity.  Andy takes me back to the early 1960s with this masterpiece that was launched in 2013.

Silver Iris by Atelier Cologne:  Released in 2013, I originally purchased Gold Leather and received a smaller bottle of Silver Iris as an added gift.  Out of the two fragrances, I have to say that Silver Iris has turned into the bigger winner for me.  I find that this is the perfect fragrance for the office as it’s slightly sweet and muted tones are as comfortable as a wonderful suit.  Funny though, my husband keeps stealing my Gold Leather which to him is the better of the two.

Vintage Fragrances:  I went through a slight vintage stage this past year and added to my collection some really lovely fragrances that I wear on a regular basis…Ysatis by Givenchy (parfum), a 1980s big floral that makes me happy; Samsara by Guerlain (parfum), like silk, the smooth and warm fragrance is like a blanket of calm; Miss Dior (parfum), the perfect chypre that’s made for a woman, but seems to be kind of butch for a “Miss.”  You can find some great deals on eBay and on small bottles that don’t cost too much if you are looking to give something a try.

The Best of…

Discovery of the Year:  Maria Candida Gentile.  I was haunted by Cinabre which was one of those perfumes that I wasn’t quite sure if I liked, but kept getting drawn back into.  I tried Exultat and then bought a bottle of Sideris and I was hooked.  Her fragrances have a consistent feel across the board, like a unique fingerprint that’s recognizable as hers and they don’t smell like anything else out there. OK, I have to admit that I was a bit underwhelmed by her two latest releases Finisterre and Noir Tropical, but I look forward to what she has coming next.  Oh, and I love the fact that you can order 15ml sized bottle online at her website.

Event:  Sniffapalooza.  We all fantasize about being able to go to Sniffapalooza, the biggest of events for perfume fans.  Thankfully, I was able to go this past fall to see what the fuss was about.  OK, for the most part the event is designed to introduce and sell product.  But you get to hang out with folks that are just like you and I made some wonderful new friends.  I think that all of us feel like we’re a little outside the norm from our friends and families in regards to our love of fragrance.  Sniffapalooza creates a family atmosphere where we all share that common DNA.  It was so much fun and I look forward to doing it again.

AftelierPackaging:  Besides having created one of the most haunting fragrances of the year, Cuir Gardenia; Mandy Aftel knows that packaging is the icing on the cake to a great perfume.  The packaging from Aftelier Perfumes is instantly recognizable, pretty, interesting and most importantly fun to open.  I wish all perfumers would give their outside packaging as much thought as this.  If you haven’t experienced receiving a package from Aftelier, purchasing the lovely Cuir Gardenia might just be your excuse.  Of course, one of my other favorites Haute Claire is just as good of an excuse!  Check out Mandy’s products on her website.

Blind Buy:  Yes, I am still horrible about completing a blind buy.  After two years of trying I still can’t help myself.  It’s like the old game “Mystery Date”, you never know what you’re going to get, the dreamboat or the dud.  Fortunately for me, I usually get a dream.  This year, I have to say the biggest dreams for me were my Caron’s, Nuit de Noel (parfum) and French Cancan (parfum).  As for the dud; thankfully I didn’t spend much money on this, but I got a small bottle of Boucheron Trouble, which I never even heard of.  I can see why it was not on my radar…talk about a discordant mess.

Blogging:  Actually there a couple of categories, first is the “How Do They Do It?” group and that includes Kafkaesque and I Scent You a Day.  Both are wonderful blogs, Kafkaesque with her prolific in-depth posts and reviews that are incredibly researched and thoughtful.  And then I Scent a Day whose goal was to write a review every day of the year and she almost did it this past year…but even running short a few days from her goal, the volume and tenacity that it takes to complete such numbers is incredible.  I commend both bloggers for the artful prose and commitment to their passion!

The second category is for the blogger that brings other bloggers together, Jordan River from The Fragrant Man.  Out of all of the blogging community, Jordan really keeps his eyes out for us all and creates community posts (posts with links and info from multiple bloggers) based on themes and subjects.  I always love how he ties it all together to create these wonderful and unique collective posts.

Marketer/Distributor:  Jeffrey Dame has been in the business for many years, but in 2010 he began his own company Hypoluxe, a distribution company of fine niche perfume brands.  At present, he currently represents the following brands:  Parfums M. Micallef, biehl.parfumkunstwerke, Teo-Cabanel Paris, Tauer Perfumes and Parfums Retro.  And note that I say “at present”, because Jeff will no doubt be representing many other exciting brands in 2014 as he is one of the hardest working in the industry and knows the importance of the blogger community and their influence in helping to market perfumes.  And if distributing isn’t enough, he also has a website designed for all of us who love to read about and discuss perfumes…Perfume of Life.  If you haven’t already, please check it out.

CatFirstPrize5887The Draw(s)

Because every anniversary needs to be celebrated with presents (and I said presents), I have a few items that are up for my readers to win.  Unfortunately, I have to limit the draw to US persons only.  So what are the prizes?

1.  To one lucky winner a copy of Barbara Herman’s 2013 book release, Scent and Subversion.  This is a wonderful book, written by a wonderful person who also pens the blog, Yesterday’s Perfume.

2.  To one lucky winner my few times spritzed full bottle of Orlando by Jardins d’Ecrivains, an incredible release from this past year.

3.  To 30 lucky winners, a 3ml sample of the 2013 released nostalgic leather fragrance, Grand Cuir by Parfums Retro.  This is a leather fragrance that lovers of leather, and non-lovers of leather can love.

The draw will close on 6pm Eastern Time on Friday, January 24, 2014.  To enter, please leave a comment telling me what your favorite perfume of 2013 was (it doesn’t have to be a new release, just your favorite of the year).  Remember, the draw is open to US readers only.

Thanks to all of my readers for a wonderful 2013.  I look forward to this next year and my 3rd anniversary with you!



Author: The Scented Hound

Just a normal guy with the nose of a beagle!

105 thoughts on “Annivers-Obso-Bestof-Draw Mega Post!

  1. Hi Houndie and Happy Birthday!
    I simply cannot believe how the time passess and that it’s already 2 years since you started blogging.
    It feels like we met just a short time ago and in the meantime my own blog is now 1,5 years old! How the time flies!
    I wish you all the best for another year of blogging and I hope that you’ll find many interesting perfumes this year, new or older or vintage.
    There’s no need to enter me in the anniversary draw 🙂


  2. I’d be hard pressed to choose a favorite – I think I tried Serge Luten’s De Profundis in 2013 and I simply can’t get it out of my head. Surreal in its beauty. Another from SL that stood out in 2013 was Une Voix Noir. Lastly, Chypre Mousse, which is roughly a billion years old, but was new to me in 2013. I know it’s not for everyone, but it completely knocked my socks off. 🙂


    • Happy Sunday Kevin – I have yet to try the SLs, but I have samples which I need to get to. As for Chypre Mousse, I know there’s a lot of love out there for it, but it just wasn’t meant for me. Good Luck with the draw!


  3. My favorite release of 2013 was Lorre Rodkin Gothic 1, a very nice warm vanilla Patchouli fragrance. think it’s great.


  4. Happy 2, my favorite sweet smelling beagle! Let’s hope your muse is the ever-coming-back kind! Your bone rating is always a criteria for me to check when I find an intriguing fragrance! Carry on with your aromatic promenades and woof them to us!
    I am with you on the blind buys, but probably more unlucky than you…Fortunately, I have friends and family who would gladly haver my failed acquisitions. Last great blind buy: Green, green, green – Miller et Bertaux.
    I am also late with best-of list for 2013 and most probably won’t do it. I wrote what I wrote and I wouldn’t like to sum up and highlight. It’s just not my way of promoting a scent…Though, I swiftly devoured the never-ending blogger lists over the last month. Well, I was impressed by Hedonist, Mistral Patchouli, Playing With The Devil, Noontide Petals, Enchanted Forest, La Fille de Berlin, Dita Von Teese’s scents, but I cannot put any of them in the spotlight. I am mostly pleased that I found and sniffed American natural perfumery this year, for the first time. I want more…


    • You know I have never really tried the Miller et Bertaux’s…one I sniffed I believe was “Eyes Wide Shut” or something of that ilk and it seemed OK…maybe I need to give them more due. As for Dita Von Teese…I keep hearing such wonderful things about her perfumes, but I have a hard time thinking about a perfume made by someone who hangs out in large champagne glasses. I’m all for girly, but she’s a bit too much girly even for me. So what natural perfumers did you find you liked???!! Good luck with the draw!


      • I am not in US, not even near, so I am not eligible for the draw! I just wanted to congratulate you!
        Well, as for the natural perfumery, I didn’t try all of it (it seems impossible at this point of time for me), but I experienced some Aftelier, Sarrabecca, En Voyage, Opus Oils and A Wing And A Prayer scents. So far I love Tango by Mandy Aftel, Lorelei by Sherri Waddington, Wild Child by Kedra Hart and Kismet by Jane Cate. Sarrabecca is a no-go for me…
        For the record, my vintage love – Climat by Lancome.


        • Oops, sorry, Shelley Waddington, not Sherri…a slip of the…hmmm…keys…Funny, I got a mistake on her name, but maybe as a whole I liked her fumes the most! Lorelei is the most matching to my taste concoction of spring flowers I’ve tried so far! Especially concerning the lilac! And I actually do fancy all the others of her creations I had the chance to try – L’Hombre, Vents Ardents, Durango. Next in line for sampling are Zelda, Nectares des Iles and Go Ask Alice (I am a true patchouli fanatic!).
          Pitty, there are lots of restrictions and high-price shipping overseas! That keeps me from trying more of the natural perfumery that seems to be a great part of the future of the perfume industry. I am eager to have a sniff of some Providence Perfumes, Ineke, Yosh, Matriarch, Anya’s garden, Ayala Moriel, Aroma M, Olympic Orchids, DSH, Sarah Horowitz, etc. And of course, more of Mandy Aftel’s scents! Her Sepia was a hard bite for me, but Tango and Cepes&Tuberose made me smell a really different and new part of the fume world!!!


  5. Heya Buddy,
    DNEM in the draw.
    CONGRATULATIONS!! 2 years is sensational.
    I can’t tell you how sad I am that you don’t love one of my Holy Grails, Trouble. I have nearly a litre of it here. Parfum, EdP and also a bunch of body product and a couple of the flankers. He He he. One man’s trash etc.
    Wishing you many more years of happy blogging.
    Portia xx


  6. Certainly not a new fragrance, but newly added to my collection was Apre l’Ondee. It Is the fragrance I think about even when I am wearing other things for weeks.


    • If only if we could live in a Guerlain world year round! I’m trying to think what fragrance I obsess about and come back to… that last one Nuit de Noel…but that has passed since Christmas has come and gone. Thanks for stopping by Nancy…good luck with the draw!


  7. Can`t pick just one 🙂 Andy T`s PHI Rose ( and anything from him), same for Liz Zorn 🙂 Caron Parfum Sacre , Goutal: scouring up tinted glass flacons that we are missing!! Do you have a favorite dessert to celebrate with?? 🙂


    • Hotlanta!!! I lived there for 15 years and miss it terribly…Linda, put something in front of me and I’ll scarf it down…maybe that’s why my waist is so big! Thanks for stopping by….hmmm Parfum Sacre sounds lovely right about now!


  8. You may Think your muse has left the building, but I found this piece to be a great read! I agree with many of your assessments, too. Thanks so much for this piece of great ramblings, and congratulations!!!


  9. Woof! My favorite discovery of 2013 was vintage Cabochard, and my most-loved scent released (I think) in 2013 was Moon Bloom by Hiram Green. Last year I was able to go to the NYC Caron boutique– what a lovely place. I wanted to say, “I’ll take one of each, please.” Because of you I now need to try Nuit de Noel. Best blind buys of the year were vintage Faun perfume by Ravel and an eBay lot of vintage extrait bottles, each with a little much-evaporated, syrupy, but still gorgeous scent in them.


    • Dagmar, I have heard so many great things about Moon Bloom, but I’m a bit afraid of tuberose so I haven’t rushed to check it out. As for vintage and eBay, you can get some really great deals. I’m not familiar with Faun, I’ll have to check it out. Good luck with the draw!


    I think one of my favorites from 2013 was Imaginary Authors Cape Heartache. Such a gorgeous scent. Also loved Shelley Waddington’s Zelda. Thank you for the very generous draw!


  11. Wow, 2 years! Our little Houndy is growing up so fast. *wipes tears from eyes*
    Congrats! That’s a real accomplishment and I hope you’re proud of it. Keep it up.
    I guess my favorite of the year but not a new scent was Rubj. I was going to say Mitzah but I haven’t had it that long. Favorite new scent might be Cape Heartache. I’m always about a year behind on the new stuff but I know that’s a recent release.
    You wear what you want, when you want. You rock those florals and don’t let anyone stop you.


  12. Congratulations! I hope you’ll continue to post for as long as it’s still fun.

    My favorite release from this year (of the relatively small number I tried) was the Houbigant Orangers en Fleurs–so pretty! My favorite bottle I bought this year is the already-discontinued Roberto Cavalli Oro, which for me is easy and lovable.

    I’ve been to Perfume of Life, and liked it, but I cannot get it to display properly on my mobile device. (Your site looks great, by the way.)


    • Yea!!! I’m so glad you like Orangers en Fleurs…it really could have gone either too sweet or too flat, instead it’s just right! It’s perfect for the Spring, wish I wish it was right now! Good luck with the draw Laurels!


  13. Hi Steve, and happiest of anniversaries!
    2 years is a long time to be consistently drawing on the muse, I hope I’m still within grabbing distance of mine at the 2 year mark. Thank you so much for your kind words about Odiferess. I’m already familiar with The Smelly Vagabond and I’ll be sure to explore the other blogs.
    In this post I was curious to read about your ‘first discoveries’ and the point that they were amber fragrances. I think that applied to so many of us. Ambre Sultan was one of my Eureka moments too. Equally, I’ve moved on from them somewhat (maybe because so very many were released subsequently and I’ve overdone them?) and I also find myself drawn towards genres that I previously didn’t care for sure as the feminine floral (especially those with a chypre base) and even aldehydes. That said, I’ll still gag if anybody comes near me with abundant jasmine!
    I’ll look forward to reading of your journey into new genre territories this year. On the Caron front, Eau de Reglisse is in my top two fumes of all time (sharing the throne with Piguet’s Calypso) and a recent sniff of their new release ‘My Ylang’ nearly brought me to tears with it’s optimism and brightness. A review will be coming soon when I feel the muse..
    Wishing you a fortunate and fragrant new year


    • My dear, I have no doubt that you’ll be around for 2 years and many more as you’re a really good writer and have a passion that shines through! I have wondered about My Ylang, but am a bit worried since it contains one of my hated notes Lily of the Valley…even a little can turn me cold. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it and maybe you can convince me that I shouldn’t be afraid of the note!


      • Ah shucks..thanks again! I didn’t notice a whiff of the dreaded L O V. I hope I don’t now I know it’s lurking in there. I can’t convince you that you should not be afraid as I am afraid too.. Also fearsome is the extraordinary faff that is getting hold of Caron samples!


  14. Happy Second Anniversary, Steve! I found your blog in the past year – thanks partly to a link on Undina’s blog and partly a personal recommendation from Freddie of Smellythoughts when we met up last spring. I agree that blogging is a big commitment and regular posting is a challenge to combine with the demands of work and family etc, so very well done on your milestone and thanks for hosting this generous draw!


  15. Happy anniversary to a lovely blog and blogger! I love your best-of choices for the year. I would have to say that my favorite discoveries for the year were NVC Mohur and Oriza L. Legrand’s Chypre Mousse. Both absolutely fantastic scents. Here’s to another great year of fragrance reviews! 🙂


    • Devon – Anything that Neela touches is gold. Mohur and Trayee are my favorites and glad that you like Mohur as well. I have yet to try the new extrait, but I have heard that it’s incredible. Thanks for the well wishes. Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the draw!


  16. DNEM. Ambre Sultan was the ‘fume that made me think “now this is a perfume” and off to the Niche section of Perfumeland I trotted. After that it is a hop, skip and a jump to Indie and Artisan. Great list. Thank you too for the encouraging mention Mr Hound. All the best to you for the 2014 Perfume Year. What a fine nose you have; your nose by any other name would smell as sweetly as you do. Rock the florals dude. Fate Woman is surely to become a classic. I was afraid of Le Tuberose too until the moon bloomed.
    Many scented and happy returns for your Anniversary!


    • Thanks Jordan…and thanks for being such a special blogger! After reading other comments, it’s seems that Ambre Sultan is a nice springboard. Who knew??!!


      • Not sure how many Perfumista Points you have lost though due to filing your Best of List so late AND missing you own Olfactive Scribe Anniversary. I will let you know the decision of The Scented Court in due course.
        Thank you for your encouraging words.


  17. Congrats on your blogaversary! I’m relatively new to the blogging world, so have been avidly reading everything I can get my eyes on and really appreciate your honest and direct writing style. I’m also new to the niche world being an old vintage lover (the old referring to my number of years, although I guess I could describe myself as vintage too!) and am slowly creeping forth into the 21st century of the perfume world 😉 So far then, I am very taken with SL – Ambre Sultan, MKK and Chergui; Amouage – Gold and Fate Woman; Etat – Jasmin et Cigarette; and another vote for Moon Bloom.
    I’m with you on the Caron Nuit de Noel – I have 3 ancient bottles still with their shagreen boxes and perfume remaining – I’m in that scary space where the contents are getting down to dribbles. I want to wear it but I don’t want to wear it out!


    • Sally…I’m so glad you are into the vintages..they are incredible and a whole different animal. I just laid out some money for a bottle of Guerlain Parure EdT that should come later this week. I have heard incredible things about this discontinued chypre and can’t wait for it to arrive. As for using the vintages…I use them at abandon. If they run out, then there is always more in eBay…what is perfume if it’s not meant to be worn?? And I really need to check out this Moon Bloom…I am tempted that bottle is to die for! Thanks for stopping by and good luck with the draw my dear!


    • You have the shagreen boxed bottles? Wow. Hope you have a vault!


  18. Pingback: A New Day has come… | The Fragrant Man

  19. Pingback: Perfume: Best of 2013 – The Jatamansi Awards | The Fragrant Man

  20. Congratulations, dear Houndy! There were so many 2013 favorites but if I had to pick one, I would pick Atelier Cologne Silver Iris. And remember, NYC is hajusuuri-land so if you are in town visiting the Caron boutique, do let me know — I would love to meet you. Spring Sniffa – that’s a thought! Maybe I’ll make it this time!


    • Dear H – I definitely have to come up there this Spring since we didn’t have a chance to meet last time. As for your taste, you most certainly have exquisite taste with your “best of” Silver Iris! xoxoxoxo


  21. My dearest friend and Hound, a huge, MASSIVE Congratulations — not so much on your anniversary, marvelous as it is, but for being one of the kindest, most generous, supportive perfume bloggers out there. From your interactions with others to your succinct, fantastic, reviews to your refined tastes, you are a star and the perfect gentleman in every way. I admire you in every way imaginable, and I only wish we lived closer so I could spend time with you and your hubby in person.

    As for some of your favorites, as you know, Nuit de Noel was not a success for me, but I tried it in modern EDP form and not the Extrait that you love so much. Everyone always says the Caron Extraits are better than the EDPs, so I will look for the Extrait and give it a shot. You wouldn’t love something so much unless it were fantastic. As for Onda, well, you know that is the one Vero Profumo that I really enjoy, so YAY for more Onda love. 🙂

    I’m so glad you fell down the vintage rabbit hole, and I hope your journeys continue in that regard. For the year ahead, I hope your muse returns, as we are ALL much poorer without your fantastic reviews. You have such a knack for summing up the essence of something as you do. I wish I had your talents, but verboseness is my failing. (BTW, thank you for the kind words on my blog. It helps to have a sleep disorder and to be an insomniac. LOL.)

    No need to enter me in the drawing, as the book was one of my Christmas presents, and I have decants of the other scents. But this is a superb giveaway.

    As usual, I’m long-winded, but, really, a huge Congratulations! And thank you for always being the supreme gentleman, in everything that you do. Here’s to many, many more years ahead! xoxo


    • My dear K – you know you helped push me down the vintage rabbit hole with your vintage Opium post. Which reminds me, this time is a great time of the year to be wearing it! One day we’ll meet I have no doubt. In the meantime, I look forward to all of your posts. xoxoxoxo


  22. 2013 was the year I became “addicted” to multiple fragrances! My current favorite is MPG’s Ambre Dore, released this year, I believe. My sentimental favorite is Fils De Dieu, which started me on my obsession. Thank you very much for the draw. My “to buy” list includes Coromandel and Alahine. Thanks again!


  23. Happy Blogoversary! Has it only been two years??? Amazing how quickly time flies! One of my highlights this past year was meeting you, Hajusuuri, Ari, and Poodle in person. Here’s to more sniffing and more meetings in 2014!

    And my favorite from 2013 is one of yours too, dearest Houndy: Fate Woman 🙂


  24. I discovered Maria Candida Gentile this year, too, thanks in part to Olfactif and in part to my good friend Henri Bendel. I fell hard for Hanbury and wore it to my wedding celebration in October 2013.


    • Congrats on your wedding!!! What a great choice to wear. And you have a friend at Henri Bendel??!! That’s a great friend to have. Hmmmm, I need one of those at Bergdorfs! Best of luck in the draw my friend.


  25. Congratulations on your 2nd Blogoversary! I have really enjoyed your reviews since I started following you…especially your scoring system ;).

    I discovered many frags this year that piqued my interest and made it to my buy list: Diptyque Eau Duelle, Slumberhouse Pear & Olive, Tauer PHI Une Rose de Kandahar, Neela Vermeeire Ashoka, DSH Passport a Paris, En Voyage Zelda, and Amouage Fate.

    Here’s to more great scents in 2014 and thank you for the generous draw!


  26. Happy anniversary, Houndy!
    Here’s to many more years of your wonderful posts.


  27. It’s hard to believe it took me so long to finally break down and try ZELDA….but I did it…and I LOVE it…. Thanks for the great blog…Looking forward to many more years of your outlook on all the new and old scents.


  28. Happy Anniversary! There were lots of favorites in 2013, but I think my number one would have to be Andy Tauer PHI Une Rose de Kandahar. That one is such a beauty!


  29. Happy blogoversary!
    Here’s to many more! 🙂


  30. Waw, just to put all that together is quite a job. Congratulations on your anniversary and I certainly believe you’ll continue to do such a great job. Athat supposed to be fun, and that means it is not important how many posts you write, it is important that when you write you do it for your soul. I’m doing it just for that.
    I’m giving you a great scratch behind the doggy ears;-)!


  31. Yay!
    Thank you sooooooo much for the shout out! I wondered where all my new followers were coming from! Very much obliged to you x x x Also thank you for always writing so succinctly and with crystalline precision. This is the blog I come to if I need to counteract my emotional ramblings with some focus and accuracy. Bravo x


  32. Congrats and thank you for the draw!
    My favorite find of the year was Huitieme Arts Sucre D’Ebene – beautiful brown sugar in all its glory! 🙂


  33. Congratulations on your anniversary!! I love reading your blog.I am fairly new to this whole world and so many scents were new to me in 2013 – one of my favorites was Ashoka by N.V Creations.I wish you nothing but the best in 2014 and I look forward to reading your blog (and learning from you) 🙂


  34. For me, 2013 was the year of the big white indolic florals of jasmine and tuberose. Besides picking some scents off etsy and samples off the decants sites, one that stole my heart was Tuberuese Criminelle by Serge Lutens. I can’t get over how masculine smelling it is. Big and bold with no apologies. It’s so wonderful. I know I’m a few years off the mark in discovering it, but why did I wait so long? I can see myself grabbing a FB for sure! You are so correct with trying to keep up with the new releases. There are just so many, it’s mind boggling. However, I do like having many scents to choose from. As far as reviewing them all as soon as they hit the shelves, is another story altogether! LOL I am so happy for your 2nd Anniversary. I wish you many, many more!


    • I too love me some jasmine. I’m going to write a review on my latest jasmine love. As for tuberose, it’s not really my friend as a centerpiece. Tuberuese Criminelle I found to be interesting, but extremely camphoric which was really surprising. I think it’s one of those either you love it or don’t and not much in the middle kind of fragrances. Best of luck in the draw my friend!


  35. Dearest Hound
    Happy, happy anniversary!
    To many many more.
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy


  36. Happy Anniversary!

    I can say I loved Silver Iris this year. Also, BiehIparfumkunstwerke’s PC01 by Patricia Choux. didn’t keep too much in touch with new releases though. Also, Jeffrey Dame. He never misses a beat. If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t know half of what I do.

    Keep those reviews coming!


  37. Pingback: French Cancan by Caron | The Scented Hound

  38. Happy 2nd anniversary. One of my favorites from 2013 would be Mona Di Orio’s Violette Fumee


  39. Happy 2nd Anniversary! I would say one of my favorite perfumes for 2013 would be MDO’s Violette Fumee


  40. I am late to the party, but happy anniversary! It is definitely not easy to keep putting thoughts on the screen regularly, so congratulations! We obviously all love reading your blog, and thanks for sharing some other bloggers who I have not been aware of yet. Here’s to many more years of The Scented Hound!


    • Nat…I am always late to the party. I barely have time these days to remember to eat let alone get to blogging or to others! In any case, we’re both in good company 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and for the well wishes!


  41. Dear Steve,

    I feel a little better being late to this post because you got to write it more than two weeks after the actual date.

    Happy Anniversary! I hope you keep enjoying this hobby – and it doesn’t matter what pace is comfortable for you: I’ll be reading your posts if you publish them once a day or once a month (though in both cases it might happen a week later 😉 ).

    Do not enter me into the draw, but I still want to try to answer your question. My favorite perfume for 2013… There were so many but let me go with Dyptique Volutes.

    I was thinking about the next Fall’s Sniffapalooza or, as you mentioned in the comment on your last event’s report post, Spring 2015.


    • Thanks for the well wishes U. We met some great NYCers in Mexico and now the hub wants to go visit whenever we can… so I’m thinking that I might be able to get to be a regular at Sniffa from now on! How fun 🙂


  42. My scent of the year was slumberhouse Norne. Not new for this year, I know, but new for me. The whole slumberhouse line rekindled my enthusiasm for scent in 2013 and I’m busy revisiting old favorites and not so favorites. I have a number of years of oh so many new fragrances to catch up with!
    Happy Anniversary to you!


  43. my favorite perfume for 2013 is chanel’s sycomore. lovely, smoky, dry vetiver. my first vetiver which (for me) has made all other vetivers sloppy seconds! thank you for the wonderful blog post! and i am located in the states.


  44. I think that the lovely Mona di Orio Vanille was my choice for 2013. It was a year when bad things happened among my family and friends, and Mona never failed to comfort.


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