The Scented Hound

Perfume blog with abbreviated perfume reviews & fragrance reviews.

Pardon by Nasomatto


My oh my…this will be a short review.  Yesterday I tested Pardon by Nasomatto and things went terribly wrong.  I am trying to find the words to describe this and am having a hard time doing so.  As a parfum extrait this went on incredibly strong.  I’m not sure what I was smelling because something came to light very quickly and then became the dominant note…metallics.  I have experienced this metallic smell before, but I couldn’t define when and where.  After about an hour it hit me.  When I was in my twenties, prior to my tonsils being pulled, I had many bouts with sinus infections.  Whenever I knew that I was getting a sinus infection, I would experience this really unpleasant metallic smell.  That’s what I experience with this scent (and no, I don’t currently have a sinus infection).  What was making this reaction?  The oud?  The tonka bean?  Whatever the case, I washed it off,  and then washed it off again.  Before going out last night I put on my favorite Pour le Soir, knowing that it be strong enough to mask this mistake.  It didn’t.  And the effect it had on me made me slightly nauseous.  Incredibly bizarre.  Please note that I only put a dab on my hand, and yet this morning I can still detect this on my skin.  Funny thing is, my husband says he likes it, but he too detects the bite in the scent.  He’ll be happy to know that I’m giving him the rest of the sample.  I’m usually forgiving of a scent and am typically willing to give it another try.  This is one of those times that I won’t be doing so.

Pardon Notes:

magnolia, oud, tonka bean, unsweetened chocolate, cinnamon, sandlewood

  • Bone Rating: 1 out of 5 possible bones
  • Classification: Unisex, but leans masculine
  • Expense: $165 for 30ml, Parfum Extrait

Author: The Scented Hound

Just a normal guy with the nose of a beagle!

3 thoughts on “Pardon by Nasomatto

  1. The notes sound fantastic! A bummer it didn’t work out.
    The only Nasomatto I’ve gave a full wearing was Duro, which was…ok. It’s basically just oud on wood on wood and more wood. Very synthetic, pretty strong and first, and relatively boring.
    It’s rare to read gleaming reviews about this brand…


  2. I rather like Black Afghan. One of the notes is listed as “hash,” but for the life of me I don’t smell it.


  3. It’s the benzoin you are experiencing. Unless you have been exposed to Friar’s Balsam, you may never make that association however it’s 100% benzoin that Gaultieri has used liberally in Pardon. Seeing as he doesn’t publish his fragrance notes, a lot of reviews have missed this. Anyway, I love it but I do see how others may find it abhorrently overpowering.


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